Oregon360 Media
The Bridge
Labor Commissioner Val Hoyle on political polarization and re-imagining apprenticeships | Ep. 23

Labor Commissioner Val Hoyle on political polarization and re-imagining apprenticeships | Ep. 23

Val Hoyle has been a leading figure in Oregon politics since she was appointed to the State House in 2010. She was quickly elected House Majority Leader by her colleagues, where she oversaw the political and campaign functions of the House Democrats. After a close second-place finish in the primary for Secretary of State in 2016, she was elected in 2018 as Oregon's 10th Commissioner of Labor and Industries, winning 17 of Oregon's 36 counties. She is frequently discussed as a potential candidate for Congress or Governor in the future.

This was a fun conversation. In this episode, Hoyle talks about her theory on why political polarization has worsened in America. She also talks about how the Bureau of Labor and Industries is re-imagining apprenticeships so more people can benefit, and how she has worked to change the culture of the state agency she leads. As a bonus, she also tells the story of the first time she met Ben (who worked for her when she was Majority Leader).

Oregon360 Media
The Bridge
The Bridge, a podcast hosted by Ben Bowman and Alex Titus.
Our podcast explores how the nationalization of politics is reshaping Oregon’s political landscape and providing a platform for Oregon issues to garner national attention.
Our thesis is that we must understand the opportunities and limitations of a political environment increasingly driven by people and events at the national level if we want to create a more unified and productive political culture in Oregon.