Nov 12, 2021Liked by Jared Garson

Housing first is no doubt a good policy in theory but what do you do when the city's construction of this housing moves at a glacial pace? There has to be an intermediate place for homeless individuals to go or else Portland will be a tent city for the next ten years.

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I'm sorry, but, I'm Not going to feel sorry for most Homeless people! Most of them put themselves there and then blame someone else! Most of them are: Runaways (their choice) Convicted Felons (their choice) Drug Addicts (their choice)!! Most of them made their own choices and that's why they can't Rent, Work, and some of them like being out there. Let's just say If I was high on Drugs and got in a fight at My Apartments and was convicted of a Felony, and then I get kicked out of My Apartment, and can't rent anywhere else,, Would You Feel Sorry For Me??

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