The Electoral Act of 1887 did indeed give the VP the power to refer the electoral college results back to Congress to adjudicate. It's all here:

https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN12065 and here

https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/roles (see under Congress)

Pence later admitted that he could have raised an objection but feared it would be disruptive.

Congress was supposed to meet for two hours to address such objections (https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/3/17) but guess what happened (planned?) that canceled any debate and went straight to certifying the election? What HAD to happen so that standard procedure could be cast aside?

The answer is here:


Now you know.

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I'm sorry for your dislocation, but please be careful. We are no longer in a period where our individual policy preferences can dominate our voting decisions. We must prioritize the defense, preservation, and repair of our democratic processes and institutions. No Labels, the Green Party, and other third parties have zero chance of winning, but they have an excellent chance of siphoning votes away from the Pro Democracy Coalition (Dems, independents, disaffected Republicans, pro-democracy third parties like Working Families, etc), and thus increasing the odds of a return to pro-authoritarian rule, either by Trump or by one of the MAGA candidates. Remember, Trump called for terminating the Constitution in order to remain in office, and nearly every candidate on that primary debate stage affirmed their allegiance to him. These are perilous times. Our policy preferences are important, but our country and Constitution need to come first.

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