I’m shocked! Peter Sage agrees with the Dems plan.

There are few more partisan “commentators” than Peter. He suffers from an acute case of what cognitive psychologists call “My Side Bias”.

I use his work when I teach critical thinking classes as an example of how NOT to approach an issue.

What Peter represents is exactly the opposite of “The Oregon Way Forward”. His comments may be interesting and occasionally enlightened yet they all ultimately have their source in a deeply rooted prejudice that epitomizes ugly partisanship.

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Rob, thanks for reading me carefully enough to know that you think I have "deeply rooted prejudice that epitomizes ugly partisanship." I had no idea who you are, but it seems like you do interesting things. Be well. Keep reading.

Here is a bio written for him: "Rob Schläpfer is a former Evangelical pastor, professor, and publisher. He created THE WEEKLY TALK to bring folks together from differing worldviews to explore important issues and promote deliberative democracy. He founded ReEnlight Inc. to rebuild spiritual and intellectual insight through science-based education."

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The proof of the pudding is in the eating, Peter. My comment is based on over a decade reading your work. I've often posted comments seeking productive dialogue on your blog — none of which were "approved" for publishing. I've written many times, as has a colleague in "bridging the divide", seeking to get you into forward-looking conversation and you have never responded. For years.

America was built on the concept of deliberative democracy. That means we enter into dialogue and *debate* with those we disagree with, attempting to make good judgments. You seem reluctant to have your ideas put to the test. Yet you pay handsomely to see they are published widely.

Here's an invitation: You and I enter into conversation about how we move Oregon forward— beyond your partisan orientation. Are you willing to examine your approach? I say it has damaged the political culture of Southern Oregon. We need better.


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Interesting take

One pet peeve of mine, Beaverton isn’t even the largest city in Washington County, Hillsboro is. WashCo has changed a lot in the last 20 years.

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