I am an Oregonian and I love Oregon. I was born here, lived my entire life here.

You, are not an Oregon. You are from California and you put your love for California over Oregon by even thinking of getting such license plates.

Just because you move to a state doesn't give you automatic privilege to claim it as your own. Just like I don't move to California and call myself a Californian. I don't move into a native reservation and call myself a native American.

Every Californian I've met has a sense of entitlement, they don't care one bit about those of us who live here and love our affordable quality of life, our plentiful resource, our love for the environment, nature and all the beautiful things that make Oregon special. Californians move here because it's cheaper and they can continue their California lifestyle mindset. You yourself said it, in true California spirit, when Oregon doesn't perform the way you want, "another bleak Oregon winter" you head back to California .

True Oregonians LOVE Oregon and are loyal to Oregon, good and bad. I happen to love our seasons and find each season a gift. I appreciate Oregon and you should really consider going back to California, you sound bitter about being here and, in true California spirit, you dislike it here just enough to write an entire page dedicated to slamming the state I Love.

Please drive safely going back home to California.

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The place you're from lives in your bones; it awakens a latent sensual memory. The Santa Ana winds, the whiff of orange blossoms, and the joyous tone and words of Mexican Spanish make me a Californian to my core. But, I, too, am an Oregonian, a Kesey Oregonian, as it happens, having had the good luck to read Sometimes a Great Notion in my first months in Oregon-- and to actually meet Stub Stewart, who was surely a character from that book, at least figuratively. My sensibilities are now Oregonian to be sure. But my blood wanders the Los Angeles freeways and I am thoroughly a Trojan. Fight on!

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