Excellent and encouraging report on high school success in Hermiston. The model of teachers reaching out to families to get their kids back in class came up in The Oregonian's story on the Rex Putnam HS in Milwaukie as well. I also appreciate the insight that every diploma is the product of 13 years of education. That's my concern. Based on my experience and the experience of many elementary school teachers I've talked to, I worry that the pandemic shutdowns took a greater toll on kids in the earlier grades. There are also the data showing a big drop off in course completions among high school freshmen last year. I covered this ground in this piece for The Capital Chronicle: https://oregoncapitalchronicle.com/2022/01/24/graduation-rate-news-may-disguise-whats-really-happened-to-oregon-students/
What worked for high school kids last year may not be enough for those who come after them in later years. I think that the interventions and supports described here can and should be extended to the earlier grades as well. But I also think we need to recognize how challenging the future will be for the kids who've suffered disruptions in their schooling in the earlier grades. I can't think of a time in my life as a school kid or in my daughter's when there was this much interruption and disruption. We need to recognize that if we're going to get our kids back on track and come up with learning recovery and support plans throughout our K-12 system.
Excellent and encouraging report on high school success in Hermiston. The model of teachers reaching out to families to get their kids back in class came up in The Oregonian's story on the Rex Putnam HS in Milwaukie as well. I also appreciate the insight that every diploma is the product of 13 years of education. That's my concern. Based on my experience and the experience of many elementary school teachers I've talked to, I worry that the pandemic shutdowns took a greater toll on kids in the earlier grades. There are also the data showing a big drop off in course completions among high school freshmen last year. I covered this ground in this piece for The Capital Chronicle: https://oregoncapitalchronicle.com/2022/01/24/graduation-rate-news-may-disguise-whats-really-happened-to-oregon-students/
What worked for high school kids last year may not be enough for those who come after them in later years. I think that the interventions and supports described here can and should be extended to the earlier grades as well. But I also think we need to recognize how challenging the future will be for the kids who've suffered disruptions in their schooling in the earlier grades. I can't think of a time in my life as a school kid or in my daughter's when there was this much interruption and disruption. We need to recognize that if we're going to get our kids back on track and come up with learning recovery and support plans throughout our K-12 system.