This is an excellent article. And to further the injustice, the state only gets part of the lottery revenue; it shares the revenue with the stores that sell the lottery tickets. This shows one way for the state to wean itself off the lottery: Gradually increase the state's share of the lottery revenue. Some stores will then stop selling lottery tickets. The total lottery revenue will go down, but the state's take will stay constant, for a while, since its percentage of the revenue will be going up.

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Thanks, David! That's a really interesting angle - I had never thought of that. I like it.

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The Oregon lottery has blood on it's hands. Too many depressed people are taking their lives due to these lottery machines. Vote them out now. We can't afford this deception.

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I have always said progressive is just another name for idiot liberal. Look at the bad bill Democrats continue to force on the state. Oregon will never be what it once was until the state splits and removes The Portland area.

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