I agree with Xavier. So why do Portlanders, who control the state when they all vote the same, keep electing leftwing radical failures?

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I guess you agree, GBrown, with Xavier’s encouragement to write. Xavier also recommended listening to others, learning from them, remembering our varied perspectives are our strength … your ending troll of those you consider your political enemies, hardly seems to demonstrate agreement with these other valuable recommendations that Xavier makes. You’ve demonstrated the divisive rhetoric that motivated Xavier to write in support of reclaiming our lost civility …. could you also demonstrate, in agreement and support of Xavier’s laudatory suggestions, a way forward for us?? This whole process of “othering” just isn’t working … we are on opposite sides of the political divide … where is the common space we can meet to find solutions, and not transform the space into a boxing ring? I agree with Xavier: here is also my wish for a better Oregon! (and, indeed, mailed in my ballot, and did hours of surfing the web to find out a bit more about the measures and candidates briefly described in my voters pamphlet)

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