I am also running for governor of Oregon and would love to share with your readers my vision and goals for this amazing state in Loring Rans, expanding Oregon health and to all organians, raising the minimum wage of $15 an hour, and so much more! https://newsoforegon.com/getting-to-know-oregon-gubernatorial-candidate-michael-trimble/

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The Big Lie. Most of us know that Trump is Trump and other than liberals have tuned him out. In 2016 many Democrats said the election was stolen from them and Democrats in Congress refused to certify the election. Many of those same Democrats are now on the Jan 6th committee - no bias there but you never hear a word about their refulal. You never hear Democrats acknowledge the fact Democrats and the Clinton campaign paid for the false Russian hoax they pushed which is slowly being exposed with the DOJ investigation. You never hear Democrasts admit Stacy Abrahms really lost and has never admitted that. So while Trump has lots of visibility his lies are not much different than the same ones Democrats have repeatedly pushed. Go outside the leftist coasts and most people will tell you they do not care what Trump says because they are busy with life.

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Dec 17, 2021·edited Dec 17, 2021

Kevin. Experience has taught me that todays Democrat is so far out of the mainstream of America you cannot have a discussion with them. I have a neighbor who is typical of todays Democratic Party. During the last election she had stickers attacking McConnell, Trump, and others. When I mentioned things that Schumer or Harry Reid had done her answer was always that’s different. Mention our failed Governor and the conversation changes. When they complain about Biden being attacked mention Trump and they say it’s different. Mention that 63% of the country says Biden is unfit and yup you know the answer. Democrats truly do not see what Republicans and Independents see. As Portland increasingly controls the state with their liberal views you will see more and more Oregonians that want nothing to do with any Democrat. That is the reality.

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Kevin - regarding not choosing which bar to enter to learn more about Americans, here’s a story. We moved to a rural coastal town from Beaverton in 2015. During the Republican convention the next summer, we happened to walk into a local bar. It was filled with people and the convention was playing loudly on the TV. The owner, a big, strapping guy, stood behind the bar with his hand over his heart practically shouting the national anthem along with the TV. My partner and I were wearing a peace shirt (or some other similar attire). We ordered a beer and the guy said he didn’t take liberal dollars. We explained it was still green. We did end up having a beer, but we didn’t ever return. It was both bizarre and uncomfortable to be 85 miles from our former home and feel like we’d been dropped into the heartland. After six years we moved back to Beaverton, mostly because we missed the conveniences of suburban life, but also because being deep blue in red America just isn’t very comfortable.

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That’s how most of the state feels when the Portland area forces their beliefs on the state as they vote lockstep no matter how flawed their candidate.

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Kevin, your editor's note on the similarities of The Bachorette to 'Merican political media coverge hit the spike on the head. Did you ever see Walter Chronkite's last hurrah special where he blasted then-modern media? I'm not a teevee watcher, but somehow managed to catch that. Back in the '90's, I guess it was.


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Thanks for the viewing recommendation, Rick! I will be sure to check it out. Thanks also for your kind words.

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