What I fail to understand is Portland. Liberals looted, vandalized, and burnt the city and attacked police officers and liberal leaders did nothing. Then voters elect more of the same far left failures to repeat the process. Those of us elsewhere in Oregon look at the Portland area as a shining example of out of touch liberals who force their failed beliefs on the state.

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...and the only mention of climate change, the most horrendous challenge humans have ever faced, only gets a mention in "to look forward to"? We continue to fiddle while our Earth burns...

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Calling parents/school board who ousted the newberg superintendent “hate” is the exact reason we need better leadership. That’s part of the problem when you think someone else’s views are hate because you disagree. Biden signaled through the NEA that parents are domestic terrorists for wanting more transparency and input. If school boards are meeting in secret that only feeds the adversarial relationship they’ve fostered within their own communities for pushing things the community doesn’t want! Even Kate Brown said “parents have been given too much leeway..” it’s ok to blame and hold officials accountable and remove the ones who have sown the most division.

There’s a reason it worked for Trump, when change is called for, we need voters who understand that and will act.

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To be clear I was referring to the racist and homophobic actions by the school board not the actions in response by the community. I apologize if that was not clear.

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Thank you so much, Andy. Business For A Better Portland formed to provide a civic engagement onramp for disengaged businesses -- mostly smaller ones that tend not to have a seat at the proverbial table. Your piece is very inspiring. Would it be ok for us to share it with our members? Please be in touch! ashley@bbpdx.org

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How about me?!? https://katu.com/news/your-voice-your-vote/michael-trimble-seeks-democratic-nomination-for-oregon-governor-race-may-primary-2022 I am a regular citizen not bankrolled by lobbies or corporations who works a full-time job living paycheck to paycheck paying these exorbitant rents I’ll cap as gov plus raise minimum wage to $15 an hour

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