What are your feelings AFTER vaccination?

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I feel good physically. But the anger is growing in the community. People say I have the vaccine so I shouldn't have to wear a mask. My response is the same "How do I know that?" We don't know if people have been vaccinated or not. We also still have employees who have not had vaccines yet. Think about the sticky position business will be in...if they don't force vaccinations on employees then mask wearing will continue until we hit herd immunity.

But the fundamental question still remains...how will each of us face that person post-covid who refused to make any effort in the social contract? This "relationship" thing goes back to trust as well. If people didn't wear a mask...what is the likelihood they will get a shot. I know lots of people who say they won't get the shot....so how long will we be wearing those masks????? Just my ramblings...G

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Exactly, Ginger. Thank you for putting your feelings and point of view in print to share with us. We are as careful as we can be because we are a two houses family and we have grandchildren in our care most days. And because I believe in the Social Contract, I, too, wear the N95 in public to protect all of us, not just myself. I gladly gave up social gatherings and shopping to keep our family safe. I know the anger and frustration provoked by those who forget that their rights end where my nose begins, as Dad used to say. I don’t know how I will feel about them when this is over. To be honest, I really don’t want to think about it right now. But I will some day. Again, thank you for writing this. Stay safe. Barbara Jackson Gornick

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Thank you . Beautifully written and sincerely appreciated.

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Very well written G,I wear my mask out in public,in stores,around others that I'm not around on a daily basis, I'm protecting myself, my husband,my family & friends,&others.I too have not seen kids,grandkids,great grands for a year.I don't even know if I can get the vaccine yet,because of medical allergies. I sanitize my art studio daily when students visit,we take extreme caution to protect us all,but realize this virus is unpredictable, & only by Gods grace has our family Been spared.We hope & pray that we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, & can reconnect with friends & loved ones soon.I personally miss all of you a lot.love Becky Litke

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What is troubling to me in another way is that in a time when we are looking for ways to unite us all. This pandemic has strengthened the divide in some ways. We all should be looking for common cause, a way to get around political leanings, a rallying cry. But this common enemy has not done that. Sadly I see it as deeper divisions rearing their ugly head. It makes this effort, The Oregon Way, all that more important! Fred Vandecoevering

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Thank you, Ginger. That really sums it up.

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