To call Betsy Johnson as leading a split in the Democratic Party is to say that the author knows nothing about Oregon, Betsy, or Oregon Democrats. Her only claim to staying a Democrat here is she is pro-choice. Otherwise she is a traditional Republican, just not a Trumper. I still think she will end up pulling in more business Republicans than Democratic votes. She is starting out a distant 3rd after a lot of TV ads. 3rd party, independent candidates traditionally hit their high water mark early on and lose votes as voters get serious about who can win.

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NYTIMED article as many media likes to accentuate division, or in this case radical change. Did you know many Eastern Oregonians want to secede from Oregon and join Idaho? Wow. Not a new phenomenon. Many SW Oregonians and Northern Califonians want to secede and form their own state. Thus writer doesn't realize that the urban/rural divide in Oregon is as old as the hills. Perhaps some independent/low info voters will swing from Den to GOP, or stay home. That could change the political landscape

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